Mental Power
Advanced Habit Tracker App

Reduce anxiety
Experience Gratitude
Improve your performance
Reduce stress
Overcome addiction
Incorporate new habits
Motivate yourself
Achieve your goals
Improve your concentration
Calm and clarify your mind
Mental Power Logo

Be and feel better

Emerging stronger with

Mental Power

Mental Power is a Well-Being & Productivity App designed to facilitate the systematic and sustained practice of world-renowned techniques. This habit tracker app helps people Be and Feel better by showing them how to unlock their mind and use it to their benefit to achieve their objectives and improve their life.

Mental Power app
Mockup cellphone

There is no other application that integrates the training of the Subconscious mind, the Conscious mind and Actions.

Mental Power works synergistically with these training activities in what we call
The 3 Personal Powers:

Cellphone preview, Subconscious Power
Subconscious power icon

Subconscious Power

Conquer your limiting beliefs by training your subconscious mind through systematic repetition of affirmations.

Cellphone preview, Conscious Power

Conscious Power

Transform your negative thoughts into positive ones by directing your mind towards what you want.

Poder de acción

Power of Action

Align your actions with your aspirations using our advanced habit-building and tracking strategies thereof.

Discover the benefits of the ultimate habit mastery tool

Enhance each aspect of your life with our all-in-one toolkit designed to ensure your success in habit tracking.

Mental power app

Change your mindset

Reprogram your mind and learn how to respond better to life's varying situations, fostering adaptability.

Mental power app

Be positive & enjoy more

Improve your well-being and find happiness with our set of affirmations optimized with binaural beats and background music.

Mental power app

Attract abundance

Learn about innovative tecniques to attract abundance to your life, unlock the power to manifest your dreams and goals.

Mental power app

Improve your emotional intelligence

Our set of tecniques, tips and functionalities will help you to develop your emotional intelligence, fostering empathy and better communication skills.

Mental power app

Feel empowered

Set up your personal objectives and rewire your brain to acccomplish what you truly desire.

Mental power app

Overcome addiction

Reclaim control of your life. Explore proven methods and tecniques to start your journey to recovery today!

Mental power app

Handle stress & anxiety

An holistic tool to help you to cope with stress and anxiety. Foster a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Mental power app

Be inspired

Receive daily motivational quotes and ignite your passion. Create the correct mindset for success.

Mental power app

Build better relationships

Change your thoughts and improve your mood and mental state, be stronger to build stronger bonds with your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mental Power is the first and only application that integrates the 3 essential powers of personal development: Subconscious, Conscious, and Actions. With this comprehensive approach, it addresses both the deep-rooted causes and the more immediate manifestations of problems, promoting significant improvements in your mental health. Based on the principles of neuroplasticity and proven psychological techniques, Mental Power helps you reprogram your beliefs (Subconscious), manage your thoughts and emotions (Conscious), and implement positive actions (Action), so that you can Be and Feel better.

Mental Power is designed to help you overcome a wide range of challenges that affect your well-being and personal growth. The app assists you in breaking bad habits, improving productivity, reducing stress, boosting self-esteem, and maintaining a clear focus on your goals. Additionally, Mental Power guides you in managing negative thoughts, overcoming mental blocks, and creating healthy habits that propel you toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Whatever obstacle you face, Mental Power offers effective tools to help you solve it and achieve your objectives.

Mental Power is the only app that works simultaneously on your subconscious, conscious, and actions, making it a unique and innovative tool. Unlike other apps that focus on just one of these aspects, Mental Power addresses the deeper roots of your beliefs (Subconscious), helps you manage your thoughts and emotions (Conscious), and guides you to take positive and effective actions every day (Action). This complete integration ensures that you not only think about change but also experience it and see it reflected in concrete and tangible results.

Mental Power comprehensively addresses the three essential powers of personal development: the subconscious, the conscious, and action, using specific tools at each level to facilitate change:

  • Subconscious Power: It uses the repetition of affirmations and visualizations to reprogram limiting beliefs, implanting new positive beliefs.
  • Conscious Power: It applies thought management techniques to help you maintain focus and mental control in your daily life.
  • Action Power: Through the habit tracker, it transforms your thoughts into concrete and measurable habits, allowing you to effectively see and adjust your progress.

These three powers complement each other to ensure deeper and more lasting change in your life.

Positive affirmations are brief phrases that, when repeated consistently, reinforce constructive and beneficial thoughts. Mental Power uses an advanced player that facilitates autosuggestion through the systematic repetition of affirmations and visualizations. This process, backed by neuroplasticity, reprograms the brain by implanting new beliefs in the subconscious. With over 400 affirmations organized into 20 categories focused on different areas of personal development, you can choose the ones that best suit your needs or create your own, ensuring deep and lasting change.

In the Subconscious Power, the goal is to plant new beliefs that align with your goals. In the Conscious Power, on the other hand, the focus is on “nurturing that seed” throughout the day by using globally recognized techniques that improve perception, attention, and block negative thoughts. These techniques need to be applied consistently throughout the day. Don’t worry, Mental Power helps you evaluate yourself and reminds you at regular intervals, so you stay focused on your goal of transforming your life.

A habit tracker is a tool that allows you to track your daily habits. In Mental Power, this habit tracker helps users align their daily actions with their new beliefs and thoughts. It organizes and monitors the progress of habits, ensuring that the user maintains the discipline needed to establish new routines and keep them long-term. You simply have to write down the habit you want to implement in your life and answer a few key questions that will help clarify how to achieve it. From there, the habit tracker will guide you on your path to becoming the best version of yourself.

Although it is not mandatory to use the three powers simultaneously, Mental Power is designed so that the subconscious, conscious, and action work together, ensuring a deeper and more effective transformation. Each power can be used separately, but the best results are achieved when they are integrated, as their synergy accelerates progress and makes it more sustainable. Imagine a person wanting to improve their physique: they can go to the gym, eat healthier, or improve personal hygiene. Each action alone brings benefits, but combining all three makes the results much more effective and long-lasting, achieving the desired change in their life.

What Great People Said

The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity and the optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Known for his leadership during World War II.
We see things, not as they are, but as we are
Marcus Aurelius
Roman emperor and philosopher
Man can change his life by changing his thinking
William James
Philosopher and psychologist
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved
Napoleon Hill
Whether you think you can or not, you are absolutely right.
Henry Ford
Businessman and Entrepreneur
Your wish is your prayer. Now imagine the fulfillment of your wish and feel its reality and you will experience the joy of the answer
Joseph Murphy
We see things, not as they are, but as we are
Immanuel Kant
He is considered one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and universal philosophy.
We are not affected by what happens to us, but by what we tell ourselves about what happens to us.
Greek philosopher of the Stoic school.

Discover and use the infinite power of your mind

Change your beliefs, improve your thoughts, incorporate new habits and become your best version.